

Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC) kurulusundan...

SİRKÜLER NO:12.3 / 692-557 = 06/11/2008


Değerli Üyelerimiz,


Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Ticaret Müsteşarlığı Ticaret Ateşeliği' nden aldığımız mesajda;


 "  13-14 Kasim 2008 tarihleri arasinda, Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC) kurulusundan yaklasik 20 kisilik Amerikali bir heyet Turkiye’yi ziyaret edecektir.  

SLSDC, bir devlet kurulusu olup, Kuzey Amerika’da ki Great Lake Bolgesi ile Atlantik Okyanusu arasinda guvenilir bir denizyolu olusturma amacindadir. SLSDC’nin ana sorumluluklari arasinda, St.Lawrence Nehri uzerinde iki noktada kurulmus olan kanal havuzlarinin isletimi ve bakimi, deniz araclari trafik kontrolu ve Great Lake Bolgesi boyunca ticareti arttirmaya yonelik pazarlama calismalaridir.

Bu bolge, her donemde Kuzey Amerika’nin ana ticaret yollarindan olmustur. Bugun, bu sistem madenciler, ciftciler, fabrika iscileri ve batinin bozkirlarindan dogunun deniz kiyisina degin ticari faaliyetlerle ilgilenenlere hizmet vermektedir. Sistemdeki yillik ticari faaliyetler, 180 milyon tonu asmakta ve buyumek icin hala genis bir alan bulunmaktadir. Cogunluklu olarak tasinan mallar arasinda, celik endustrisi icin demir cevheri, elektrik ve celik uretimi icin komur, insaat ve celik endustrisi icin kirec tasi, deniz asiri pazarlar icin tahil, demir celik urunleri ve agir makinalar gibi genel kargo ve cimento, cakil tasi ve kaya tuzu gibi cesitli sanayilerde kullanilan malzemeler sayilabilir.

Bu ozellikli tasima yolu ile ilgili, SLSDC yetkililerinin yaptigi ayrintili calismalar, bu yolun kargo tasiyicilar icin avantajlarini soyle siralamaktadir:

·        maliyet avantaji: Avrupa’ya daha kisa yol ile ulasabilme, daha ucuz liman maliyetleri, deniz/nehir tasimaciliginin daha yuksek kapasiteye sahip olmasi
·        cevreye duyarli tasima avantaji: deniz tasimaciliginin, kamyon/tir ve demiryolu tasimaciligina gore, daha tasarruflu yakit kullanimi, daha az emisyona neden olmasi ve de daha emniyetli olmasi

Tum bunlarin, ABD ile ithalat/ihracat iliskisinde bulunan Turk firmalarinin ilgisini cekebilecegini dusunmekteyiz. Kurulus ile ilgili daha fazla bilgiyi adresinden bulabilirsiniz.

SLSDC heyeti, liman ve terminal isletmecileri, gemi sahipleri/operatorleri, gemi acenteleri ve Uluslararasi Liman Iscileri Birligi temsilcilerinden yaklasik 20 kisiden olusmaktadir. Heyet katilimcilari ile ilgili bir liste ilsikte sunulmustur. Bu heyet, Turkiye’deki gemi acentalari, tasimacilik sirketleri, kargo komisyonculari, tersane temsilcileri, sektordeki dernek temsilcileri, ozellikle demir celik, hurda metal, tahil ve ancak cok buyuk gemiler ile transferi yapilabilecek buyuk ebadli makinalar konusunda calisan ticari mal ureticileri ve kargo sahipleriyle gorusmek istemektedir. Bunu saglamak uzere, 14 Kasim Cuma gunu saat 9:00’da Hilton Otelinde bir toplanti duzenleyecegiz.  Burada hem bu heyetin sunumunu izleme ve hem de heyet mensuplari ile bu bolge ile olasi projelerinizi paylasmak uzere, bu toplantida firma yetkililerinizi gormeyi arzu ediyoruz.  Bu ticaret heyeti ile tanismak/gorusmek istiyorsaniz, lutfen 7 Kasim, Cuma gunu saat 17’ye kadar ilisikteki formu doldurarak bize ulastiriniz.  



Berrin Erturk

Ticaret Atase Yardimcisi "


denilmekte olup, söz konusu toplantıya katılmak isteyen üyelerimizin 7 Kasım Cuma günü saat 17:00’e kadar aşağıda belirtilen formu doldurarak yine aşağıda belirtilen adrese faks yolu ile yollamalarını rica ederiz.



Vapur Donatanları ve Acenteleri Derneği

Recep Düzgit

Genel Sekreter


Not : Heyette bulunan katılımcılar ile ilgili bilgiler aşağıdadır.


Dağıtım: Tüm üyelerimiz

Bilgi için: İMEAK DTO




Firma Adi:..........................................................................
Firma adina katilacak kisi ve unvani:............................................................................ 





Participants in the SLSDC Trade Mission:

Richard Corfe, President & CEO, of the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation

Peter Burgess, Senior Marine Officer, Marine Services, of the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation

Bruce Hodgson, Director, Market Development, of the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation

Jennie Richardson, Market Development Specialist of the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation

Terry Johnson, Administrator of the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation

Rebecca McGill, Director of Trade Development of the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation

Steven Pfeiffer, VP Maritime Services of the PORT OF CLEVELAND: It is the third largest port on the Great Lakes, averaging nearly $1 billion annually in imports and exports.

John Stoker, Port Director of the PORT OF DETROIT: Its annualinternational cargo is 600-700,000 metric tons.      The tonnage is largely comprised of steel slabs and general cargo from foreign countries.

Betty Nowak, Marketing Director of the PORT OF MILLWAUKEE: The Port is well known for its heavy lift capability. Its stiff leg derrick is capable of lifting a total of 440,000 pounds (200,000 kg) at a 52-foot (16 meter) radius.   Additional capacity can be provided up to a maximum of about 545,000 pounds (247,200 kg) at a 45' (13.7 meter) radius. Milwaukee handles a diverse mix of general cargoes including steel, forest products, bagged materials, heavy machinery, farm and construction machinery, and project cargoes.

Rejean Leclerc, Counselor of Maritime Transportation

Jason Lowery, Director of Business Development of the MIDWEST TERMINALS OF TOLEDO: This full-service U.S. port, includes a Foreign Trade Zone and NYMEX - approved warehouse facility located at the mouth of the Maumee River at the west end of Lake Erie. It is linked to major rail, interstate trucking and air routes feeding The Midwest.

Adolph Ojard, Executive Director and Ron Johnson, Trade Development Director of the PORT OF DULUTH: It is one of the largest inland seaports in the world. Its annual cargo(iron ore (40%), coal (40%), grain (10%), specialized cargo (10%)) averages about 45 million net tons.

Alkis Scourtellies, Managing Director of the NAVITRANS SHIPPING AGENCY: Navitrans provides both Agency in the East coast of Canada and the Great Lakes and Chartering services. This company received its ISO 9002 certification. It serves a wide variety of cargoes, including break bulk, bagged, project, heavy lifts and reefer cargoes, forest products, pulp and paper products, bulk cargoes of broken glass, cement, coal, petcoke, concentrates, fertilizers, grain, scrap, steel, sugar and sulphur , crude, clean and dirty petroleum products and other liquid cargoes, and containers

Jonathan Daniels, Port Director of the PORT OF OSWEGO: It is the first U.S. port of call on Lake Ontario and the Great Lakes from the Atlantic and the St. Lawrence Seaway. It is also the gateway to the New York State Barge Canal System through the Oswego River Canal, once better known as the Erie Canal, and to the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway.

John Baker, Assistant General Organizer of the INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN’S ASSOCIATION: It is the largest union of maritime workers in North America, representing upwards of 65,000 longshoremen on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, Great Lakes, major U.S. rivers, Puerto Rico and Eastern Canada. It is affiliated with the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations; the Canadian Labour Congress and the world-wide International Transport Workers' Federation.

Donna Taylor, CEO & Port Manager, Harbormaster of the OSHAWA HARBOR COMMISSION: This port is capable of accommodating any size or type of vessel entering the Seaway System and provides shippers with a wide range of cargo handling equipment, from heavy lift cranes to fork lift trucks. The labour force is experienced in handling all types of cargo.

Alan Taylor, European Representative of the HIGHWAY H2O (THE GREAT LAKES ST. LAWRENCE SYSTEM): Hwy H2O serves a region that accounts for some 40% of U.S. manufacturing, produces two-thirds of Canada’s industrial output, creates more than one third of the continent’s gross national product, and grows almost half of the soybeans and corn in the U.S.


Berrin Erturk
Commercial Specialist
Ticaret Atase Yardimcisi
U.S. Commercial Service
A.B.D.  Ticaret Mustesarligi
Ataturk Cad. 126/5, Pasaport 35210 Izmir, TURKEY
Tel: [90] (232) 441-2446,  Fax: [90] ((232) 489-0267
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