

FONASBA’dan Alınan Derneğimizin Yıl Dönümü Kutlama Mesajı

SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 / 700-596 = 06/11/2015
Sayın Üyemiz,
Vapur Donatanları ve Acenteleri Derneği'nin  Yüz On Üçüncü  Kuruluş Yıl Dönümü nedeni ile ;
Üyesi bulunduğumuz Fonasba' nın Başkanı Sayın Glen Gordon Findlay 'dan 06/11/2015 tarihinde almış olduğumuz "Yıl Dönümü Kutlama" mesajını bilginize sunuyoruz.
"Dear President Mr. Düzgit,
We know that November 6th is a very special date for the Ship Owners and Ship Agents in Turkey, as VDA reaches impressive 113 years of existence!
It is indeed a huge achievement and we are absolutely sure that all your Members and all others who took part in the construction of this long and successful history must be extremely proud, for having the Maritime Association of Shipowners and Agents to defend their legitimate interests and promote the development of the maritime transport in Turkey for more than a century!
On behalf of FONASBA, please receive my most sincere congratulations to you, to your Vice-President Mr. Turkantos and other members of your Board of Directors, to Ms. Yasemin and others assisting VDA, as well as to all your Members! "
Kind personal regards,
Glen Gordon Findlay

                                                                                  Vapur Donatanları ve Acenteleri Derneği
                                                                                                      Emin EMİNOĞLU
                                                                                                        Genel Sekreter
Ek: İlgi yazı
Dağıtım: Tüm üyelerimiz