


SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 /249-188 = 09/04/2020

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 09.04.2020 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir.


Dear All,


As predicted when we started these precautions reports just over two weeks ago, there was an expectation that at some point the rate at which they were being distributed would fall. Ideally that would be as they were being relaxed as COVID-19 became a fading memory but it was also likely to occur because the precautions then in place were sufficiently comprehensive and robust as not to require further regular enhancement. We have no report to circulate today and disappointingly that is due to the second reason, not the first.


Rest assured however that we will continue to circulate information immediately it is received and also despatch a weekly cumulative update until life does return to normal – or as normal as it may indeed get?! Due to the Easter holidays, this week’s cumulative update will be circulated tomorrow (Thursday) and we would once again ask members to continue to provide updates as necessary in order that we can continue to monitor and notify the situation on a regular basis.


On a more positive note however, the request for information on examples of best practice has already generated responses from Italy and Morocco and they are summarised on the attached update. Other members are of course encouraged to provide similar information on positive actions they are taking.




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                                                                                    Vapur Donatanları ve Acenteleri Derneği



                                                                                                        Emin EMİNOĞLU

                                                                                                         Genel Sekreter

Ek: İlgi Yazı

Dağıtım: Tüm üyelerimiz