

Covid-19 Precautions Update

SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 / 403-294 = 03/06/2021

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 02.06.2021 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir.

Dear All,

 Please find attached the latest summary of current COVID-19 restrictions across the membership, which feature the latest update from Portugal. Also attached is guidance issued earlier this week by the European Maritime Safety Authority outlining the current precautions in place to allow the resumption of cruise vessel operations within European Union waters. These guidelines have already been sent to ECASBA members but may also be useful to agents in other ports that handle cruise vessels sailing to and from the EU.

Clearly there have been some significant changes recently in the impact of COVID-19 across the FONASBA membership, both good and bad, and so we would be grateful to receive updates from those countries where restrictions have either been relaxed on strengthened – and those that have not yet contributed to this latest series of updates.  We look forward very much to your further advices.

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Vapur Donatanları ve Acenteleri Derneği




Genel Sekreter

Ek: İlgi Yazı

Dağıtım: Tüm üyelerimiz