

Revisions To Egyptian Customs Law

SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 /894-718 = 30/11/2020

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 30.11.2020 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir.



Dear All,


Courtesy of our Regional Vice President for Africa, Mr. Mohamed Mouselhy, and the Alexandria Chamber of Shipping, please find attached information on a recently introduced revision of the Egyptian Customs Law. This information will be of use to those your members and principals that do business with Egypt and so we invite you to circulate it further as appropriate.


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Vapur Donatanları ve Acenteleri Derneği




Genel Sekreter

Ek: İlgi Yazı

Dağıtım: Tüm üyelerimiz