

Porto Marıtime Week 20th - 24th September

SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 / 716-554 = 14/09/2021

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 13.09.2021 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir.

Dear All,

On behalf of our colleague and RVP for Europe Antonio Belmar da Costa, we are pleased to pass on at his request information on the 2021 edition of Porto Maritime Week, which is being held from 20th to 24th September. For many years, the undersigned has had the pleasure of representing ECASBA in some of the panels. This year ECASBA Chair Marco Tak will taking part in the “Ports and Shipping discussion panel on Monday 20th together with representatives of other European maritime sector organisations. Whilst understandably many of the sessions are conducted in Portuguese, three, as shown below, will be undertaken exclusively in English.


20.09 - 16.30 – 18.00H - Portos e Shipping - Panel with European Associations (ECASBA Chairman participating) moderated by Antonio Belmar da Costa

21.09 - 14.30 - 16.00H State of the Art of the Industry - Presentation by Peter Sand (Chief Shipping Analyst, BIMCO) followed by panel with President and Vice President of AGEPOR

21.09 - 16.30-18.00H - Reborn of the Cruise Industry - Panel with major players

By kind agreement with the organisers, FONASBA members, and their company members, are invited to attend those sessions, which are being conducted in hybrid format, using the link below (the link is the same for all three sessions).

Please note that the session are taking place in Portuguese time, so London time or CEST + 1.For those unable to attend live, the sessions will be recorded and the link will be sent after the event closes. 

We are very grateful to Antonio, plus the event organiser, Fernando Gonsalves of Transportes & Negócios, for the opportunity to allow our members access to these events. We very much hope that you will find them informative.


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