

Ecasba Customs Developments Summary: April 2021

SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 / 310-220 = 26/04/2021

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 23.04.2021 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir.


Dear All,


On behalf of ECASBA Chair Marco Tak and Customs Working Group Coordinator Hilde Bruggeman, we have pleasure in attaching for information a copy of Hilde’s extensive customs report that was originally presented to the meeting of the ECASBA Advisory Panel on Thursday, April 22nd.


This report provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of issues currently under consideration by DG-TAXUD and summarises the actual or anticipated impact of each one on ship agents in the European Union, supported by additional information in the form of ECASBA letters and Commission papers and presentations. Items of particular interest, or where action is required by national associations, are highlighted throughout. As Hilde states in the report, some of the changes being proposed or developed by DG-TAXUD will have significant impact on the ship agency sector and we therefore recommend members take the opportunity of following up with their national authorities. ECASBA will of course also continue to engage with DG-TAXUD on the same topics at Commission level.


Individual copies of the attachments are available on request from the Secretariat.


We trust the attached report proves useful and again thank Hilde for her actions in compiling same.


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Vapur Donatanları ve Acenteleri Derneği




Genel Sekreter

Ek: İlgi Yazı

Dağıtım: Tüm üyelerimiz